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Mooring Service & Inspection with a Mooring Certification
As a requirement every 12 Months, the NSW Maritime and Insurance Companies will request you supply a Proof of Service & Inspection. This the yearly servicing of your Mooring apparatus, as stated in Private Mooring Licence Conditions.
Our Company provides an efficient, affordable yearly service using only the highest quality materials. We inspect failure points and measure wear with vernier calipers.
Upon completion of the Service & Inspection we provide photo evidence along with a detailed report and certification which is your Proof of Service.
Mooring apparatus failure can result in a vessel coming adrift & damaging other moored vessels, maritime infrastructure & the environment or other boat users.
Ensure you have a valid Mooring Certificate.
If you would like to enquire about the yearly service mooring costs, please click on the below link so our staff can provide you with a free quote.

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